Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learning a new remote

About a month ago we noticed that our cable box would sporadically stop working, giving the TV what the kids called "the green screen of death." We'd have to shut everything down, then restart it, missing parts of our shows and messing up all our recordings that were in progress. When Andy was watching TV and got the "green screen of death" about four times in a matter of 15 minutes, he decided it was time to call the cable company. It was impossible to convince them that there was a problem with their cable box. They wanted to send out a technician to look at it when we thought it would be best just to exchange it. At one point they said we needed to talk to their home security department to get it fixed. Obviously they had no idea what they were talking about.

Instead, they talked (suckered?) Andy into upgrading our service. Today, he worked from home in the morning while the technician hooked up four new high-definition cable boxes and showed us how the new remotes work. With the upgrade we also get (read: pay more for) all the movie channels so the kids had better put those to good use. Best part is the ability to record four shows at one time and watch them from any of the TVs in the house regardless of on which TV it was recorded. Not sure we'll ever find time to watch all of the shows we can now record.

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