Saturday, September 14, 2013

Golf lesson

Andy got L into the back yard this morning and gave her a good 30-minute golf lesson. She has some interest in playing golf but my suspicion is that she wants to play for the accessories - the skorts, the shirts, clubs, etc. He said they might go the driving range tomorrow to practice some more. I'm assuming E will go along. Today she was at a golf tournament in Deerfield with the OPRF team so Andy was able to instruct L without comments from the peanut gallery. B spent the day at his friend IR's house. IR missed three days of school this week due to migraines but apparently was on the mend today.

After the golf lesson and some lunch, Andy went to run a few errands. I asked him to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick up some lunch meat and cheese from the deli and what does he come home with? A 12-pack of beer. It's not surprising that he'd pick up some beer, but I had to roll my eyes after seeing the name and the illustration on the box. Oh my.

E shot a 101 on 18 holes and said she could have done better. She was the fifth-place scorer for her team with the fourth-place girl coming in one shot ahead of her. Coach didn't have them stick around to see who placed in the tournament. He said there were quite a few really good teams playing so he was considering this tournament a way to prepare the girls for other upcoming 18-hole tournaments in which the team will have a better chance of placing.

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