Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sleepovers and Secret

Thanks to about 7 inches of snow and the church canceling the youth group sleep over, we ended up with a house full of kids last night. E had her friend, A, sleep over and B had his friend, I, sleep over. They ate pizza, played video games and played a game of Monopoly that went until 2 in the morning. Here's B showing them his Minecraft game on the computer.

Today, they started building an igloo in the back yard, but that didn't last long. Then they headed over to Irving where they were able to dig into a snow pile that the snow plow/truck made this morning. They worked on that for almost three hours before E and A decided to go to A's house and bake a cake. Brad's friend, I, stuck around till 5 p.m. until I suggested Andy drive him home on his way to take E to a golf demo night event. As friend I was leaving the back door with Andy and E, L's church friend, K, rang the front doorbell. She's sleeping over tonight.

My surprise of the day came with the mail. About a week ago, I wrote an email to Proctor & Gamble complaining that not one, but two, of the Secret deodorants I recently purchased wasn't working right. The wheel on the bottom keeps falling out when I turn it. They replied that they were very sorry for the defect and would be sending me compensation by mail. I had no idea they'd send me a box with four different deodorants and a body spray, along with two coupons for free deodorant. That's good customer service.

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