Wednesday, January 11, 2012


B had a tooth removed from the roof of his mouth today. This picture was taken on the way home from the surgeon's office. He said the area all around his mouth was numb and he had gauze in so he couldn't talk.

We had a 9:45 a.m. appointment at the oral surgeon. The doctor took him in, examined him, took an X-ray and asked B if he wanted to have the tooth removed today or come back another day. B was all for getting it done. The doctor sent us out shopping (yeah!) for 45 minutes and when we returned they took B right in and started working on him.

I was called into the recovery room about a half-hour later. The doctor said he did really well. B wasn't able to eat or drink anything for six hours before the surgery and can only eat popsicles today. The doctor prescribed some liquid Tylenol with codeine for the pain and amoxicillan to fight infection. He also said B should stay home from school for the rest of the week (B liked that idea!). Monday is MLKing Day so B will be getting a looooong break. Tomorrow B can have soft foods. He's anxiously awaiting a day of pancakes. He even had me ask the nurse if White Castles would be OK and she gave him the go-ahead for those too. Chex Mix, though, is off limits for about four weeks. B goes back next Wednesday to have the doctor look at the stitches.

Here he is, sitting in Dad's chair with a pillow behind his head, one under his feet, comfy in a blanket while watching TV and enjoying a popsicle. His first nourishment since dinner last night was a glass of apple juice at about 3:30 p.m. He's following that up with this, his first popsicle of the night.

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