Thursday, January 19, 2012

First concert

Tonight was L's first band concert since she started playing the flute last fall. She performed in the beginner band with students from Beye School, one of the other three elementary schools that feeds into the middle school. The concert was at the middle school.

Her band played seven short songs, including "Old MacDonald" and "London Bridge." The performance was a little squeaky at times, but they're beginners. Fortunately, I was out in the hall looking for E while the orchestra played. Those beginning string players are hard to listen to.

Here's L and her friend and fellow flutist, J, standing for applause at the end of their performance. We had planned to go for ice cream after the concert, but when we got in the car and discovered that it was a chilly 5 degrees, we decided to head home. Andy made L and E some hot chocolate and they got a raincheck on the ice cream.

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