Today is E's 14th birthday, her golden birthday, turning 14 on the 14th! Andy measured her today (our annual birthday tradition) and she measured 5 feet, 3/4 of an inch. She's happy to have reached the 5-foot mark! She grew 3.75 inches in the last year. "Yeah, I'm growing," she said.

After school, B invited three of his friends over. It was controlled chaos as they traded and played Yu-Gi-Oh cards. The volume level at times got pretty high. Here they are at the dining room table trading cards and making their decks before they moved into the living room for the actual games. Meanwhile, E is working on her Lego airplane kit she received as a B-day present and L is trying to finish her homework.

Then we had to head to L's second softball game of the season. Two friends had to go home, B rode his bike to the park and his friend, L, took our pink Barbie scooter. They were so cold at the game (it was about 43 degrees outside and windy) that I let B and his friend stay home when I dropped E off for her karate class.
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