Today we rented a pontoon boat at the harbor in Ephraim. Last year we rented a pontoon boat in Sturgeon Bay, but decided on Ephraim this year because the area is more scenic. Andy took a quick lesson in how to drive the boat and what the various buoys mean, and off we went. We drove past Peninsula State Park where Andy tried to get a picture of the kids with the lighthouse in the background. A few pictures are OK, but it was pretty windy.

We also sat for a while near the Peninsula State Park beach and in Horseshoe Bay. It started to rain a little bit while we were out on the boat, but not enough to even get us wet.

We got really wet, though, tonight at the Red Putter Mini-Golf (not before E made a hole-in-one in the first hole!) The sky was cloudy when we started the game and the man who runs the business told us if it starts raining and we finish all 18 holes, we'd get a bumper sticker that says, "We finished our game in the rain at Red Putter." I'm all about freebies and really wanted the bumper sticker even though I know Andy wouldn't let me put it on his Buick. It started to rain when we were near the fifth hole. The man gave me an umbrella and we continued our game. A few holes later, though, it was really pouring and we got soaked. We gave up and decided to call it a night - no bumper sticker for us. The man, though, did walk us to our car with the umbrellas and gave us coupons for five free games. Guess we'll use those next year.
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