Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s Eve

Andy and I started our New Year's Eve attending a memorial service for a friend at church.
E has been working on this bead needlepoint kit she bought after Christmas.
She took a little break to help B finish the puzzle I just started the other day. She left in the afternoon to go to Danny's for a party and she'll soend the night there. We don't want her driving. The rest of us stayed home.
I've never been a fan of New Year's Eve. Seems depressing for some reason.
We did buy some champagne to toast to a good 2023.
Our New Year's Eve watching "White Lotus," drinking champagne and lounging in my pajamas. Perfect.

Highlights of our 2022:

We started the year with a fun family trip to Disney World then left L there as she started her College Program work at the Yacht and Beach Club Pool. She came home in August (never missed one day of her program) with one tattoo and we moved her back to U of I where she resumed work at Journeys (as a manager in training) and got another tattoo. She's waiting to hear if she'll be going back to Disney this summer for a professional internship.

B started an 18-month contract job when he got back from Disney that turned into a full-time offer eight months later. We love having him home and the cats like the attention he gives them. He's extremely helpful when I'm trying to put a puzzle together.

E got promoted to SE2 (software engineer 2). She bought a condo in Issaquah that she's been sharing with D. She also traded in her Hyundai Kona for a Hyundai Tuscon when she found out the Kona needed a new engine.

Andy and I did go to Disney two more times after our January family trip. I went to Disney with Cindy, Julie and Allison for a girls' trip in June. Andy and I visited E and D in September. We also went to our annual church retreat in Michigan. We were thrilled to get to Jamaica for a week about a month ago. We might plan our long-awaited Germany trip for 2023.

Andy golfed a lot and successfully managed moving his firm to a new building. He's the church treasurer and agreed to do it for another year.

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