Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas morning

The kids were pretty slow waking up this morning. Andy and I had breakfast before presents were even open. We opened presents by age so I went first. The kids got me a Keep Collective bracelet and a new sun tea jar and Andy got me a new purse. You can't have too many purses.

Here's Andy trying to figure out who gave him this present. The tag said, "Santa." I had to eventually tell him it was Allison when the kids didn't claim it. The present? A light for his grill. Now, I suppose, he can cook for me even after dark!

E got an Amazon fire, a Tasty cookbook, Star Wars measuring cups, a Cards Against Humanity expansion pack, cooking utensils from L and a plush blanket from B.

We gave B a WiiU game and a weekend travel bag for those trips home from college next year. He also got a microwavable soup bowl from E and a new wallet from L.

L got this fancy "Supernatural" purse, a sweater with angel wings on the back, a shower speaker with bluetooth, some Pusheen T-shirts from the siblings and a kanji-a-day calendar from E so she can practice her Japanese.

Muffles is happy with the boxes.

An overview of the madness we call Christmas morning.

I almost forgot to hide the pickle. We had to send the kids out of the room and then call them back. It took them a surprisingly long time to find it. I didn't think I hid it that well.

Finally, though, B was the victorious one and got to open the pickle present - a travel-size blanket. That might come in handy on those trips home from college too.

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