Shortly after lunch today I got a call from the Julian nurse. E's science class was burning sulfur and other chemicals and she passed out. Since it was Friday, they asked if I would come take her home.
When I got to the school they had me sign in as a visitor and gave me a pass to walk the halls. I found E in the nurse's office, holding an ice pack on her forehead. The nurse said she was called up to the fourth floor after E passed out in the hallway. E said she felt a little nauseous and asked the teacher for permission to use the restroom. She stepped out of the classroom and hit the floor. Some seventh-graders told the teacher she passed out and they called the nurse. The nurse took her blood pressure and pulse (both fine) then used a wheelchair to take her to the office.
I had to wheel E back up to the fourth floor to pick up her books and backpack before taking her home. She was upset - everyone was asking her if she was OK - and embarrassed, of course. I told her it was nothing to be embarrassed about. The nurse suspects she might have been a little dehydrated. The office workers hugged her as she left school - they all said what a wonderful girl she is and told her they hope she feels better. E has some bruising on her forehead and upper lip, but she's OK. (Of course, I don't think she could possibly look more miserable than she does in that photo!) Tonight, her friend, A, whose dad is a pediatrician and hopes to be one herself some day, called to check in on her.

Later, she sat with me at L's softball game. L was thrilled to play catcher. I think she likes wearing all the equipment. And it's a position where you have to pay attention and actually get to throw the ball. Her team won!
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