Tonight was E's eighth-grade dance. Her date, M, a boy she's known (I think) since kindergarten, asked her to go with him a couple of weeks ago. He came over to pick her up a little after 6:30 p.m. He forgot his dance ticket and had to run back home. Fortunately, he lives just a block away.

We took some pics of them and of E's friend, A, who stopped by before the dance with her date, J. The girls looked gorgeous and the boys were handsome. I wanted some outside pictures but it was drizzling all afternoon.

E said they had a good time. She was home a little after 10 p.m. E says she and M are just friends. M's little brother, L, is one of B's best friends so anything else could get a little awkward - more so than it was already. And she's only 14 - plenty time for the mushy stuff later. M and his family are moving out of state this summer for his dad's new job so it was nice they were able to go to the dance together. He'll be back a lot to visit and I'm sure they'll keep in contact via the computer. You just never know. They do look pretty cute together.
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