Monday, January 19, 2015

College visit

That's E, in her hotel bed, not wanting to get up.

She did manage to get up in time to take a shower and have the hotel breakfast before we headed into downtown Terre Haute. Andy was on a mission to find something about Larry Bird that he could email the guys he works with. He lucked out and found this sculpture at Indiana State University. Fortunately, it was MLKing Day and the school was closed so there weren't any students walking around. He indulged me and posed just like Larry Bird.

From there, we walked to the Clabber Girl Museum which, kind of surprisingly, was really interesting and well-done. I enjoy seeing how people used to live and they had a kitchen from the 1940s and 1890s (I think), as well as a World War II-era general store so I was happy.

We drove to the school and had lunch ($5 each) in the cafeteria. E and I had the rigatoni and meatballs and Andy had chili and pizza. We all liked the salad bar. E seemed most impress with the conveyor that took the trays away. (It's the little things, you know.)

These are a couple pics of the main entrance.

And E walking by the pond. The residence halls surround the pond, while the academic buildings are on the other side of campus.

We heard a few lectures then had a student-led tour. The school was a bit small for E, and she said the drive was long, but if she's really interested in engineering, she couldn't go wrong here. The one concern we have is that if engineering turns out not to be her thing, there's not a lot of choice to switch majors. She did love how big the dorms were, compared to the ones she has stayed in at U of I. Looks like E has some decisions to make.

I had to laugh in the bookstore when we saw one shirt that said, "Rose-Hulman dad ... Finance Department." Another said, "My kid and my money go to Rose-Hulman" and on the back it said, "I miss them both." A third shirt said, "Friends don't let friends go to Purdue." Hmm.

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