Monday, April 21, 2014

Emergency Room visit

Unfortunately, there's a first for everything. Today L was riding her bike to school and got struck by a car making a right on red at an intersection a block from our house. The driver gave L her cell phone so she could call me. By time I got down the block, the crossing guard was there, along with a passer-by who stopped and a mom of one of L's school friends, as well as three police cars and a firetruck with EMTs. We declined the ambulance ride to the ER and I walked L home while the school friend's mom wheeled her beat-up bike to our house. I wanted to take her in for a doctor visit just to make sure everything was OK, but they suggested going to the emergency room instead because if X-rays are needed that's where they'd send her anyway. I called Andy at work and he insisted on coming home and taking her to the ER. She ended up with two X-rays on her knee, and fortunately, she's fine. Lots of swelling and bruising. She was happy to leave with a doctor's note getting her out of gym until Thursday. L made Andy take this picture of her in the ER so she could show her friends.

This is the "after" bike picture. The paramedic told her it was lucky she was wearing her backpack. If not, he said, she could have seriously injured her spine. And, she had her helmet on so that saved her from a head injury when her head with the pavement. A pretty lucky day all around. It could have been so much worse. The driver was ticketed for failing to yield to a pedestrian. L apparently didn't do anything wrong.

Back from the ER, I think the day caught up to L. She fell asleep on the couch for a couple of hours.

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