Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Tonight we had to be at the high school at 6 p.m. for an orientation from E's Japanese teacher on how the upcoming exchange will work. She said we're supposed to go about our usual days so the student can experience American life. She said the grocery store is an exciting errand for them. A few days our student will shadow E at school. Other days the student has field trips - to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, then downtown to the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum. Andy volunteered to drive to the airport to pick four students up, and there will be welcoming and good-bye potlucks for all the students and their hosts. E's teacher told everyone to try not to lose their student.

After that meeting, we had B's orientation to the high school. He walked us all over the school's four floors, then into the field house where every club had a display set up, trying to recruit freshmen. B said he might be interesed in the chess club/team. He also seemed interested in the stage crew as we were leaving and were given a cool tour of the crew area. We were in a tunnel underneath the school's main entrance that connects the two theaters and got to the see the green room. It was pretty impressive. B isn't involved in band and doesn't like sports so we told him he needs to find something to do.

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