After getting back to the high school, the golf team had its picture taken for the yearbook. One of the girls on the team ordered sparkly headbands for all the players - one orange and one blue - so E had that in her picture. We had ordered a size 0 (really!) skort for her and it came today, but it was way too big on her. It's being sent back. She did have an old white she was able to wear for the team picture.
E also found out that she's one of six JV players chosen to go to the Hinsdale meet on Monday. Apparently they're the team to beat. The team plays again Wednesday, but E gets to stay home for that one. L's excitement of the day was finding out her fourth grade teacher will be Ms. Payton. She's the second (Ms. Gullo, kindergarten teacher, was the first) to have the privilege of having all three Houhas. B found out his friend, IR, is on the same seventh-grade team as he is.
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