Monday, February 8, 2010

Sick day?

That's E, home "sick" today. She's been waking up with a congested nose and sore throat for a while now, and today began the day complaining about a mild ear ache. I suspected her morning slowness had more to do with her bedtime (10:30 p.m. after watching the Super Bowl and the new TV show about a boss doing his employees' jobs, as well as part of the news) than it did with being physically sick. I woke her up at 7:30 a.m., which she said was too late, but she got dressed, ate breakfast and was ready for school. Her friend A stopped by before going to the corner meeting place to begin their walk to school. However, A walked E home about 10 minutes later, saying she wasn't feeling well. She did sleep a little, watched TV and read a book. I guess everyone needs a day off every so often. Tomorrow, though, it's back to school!

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