Sunday, February 16, 2025

Our third college grad

L graduated in December and her diploma just arrived. We got it the day before the diploma frame I ordered from Etsy arrived. Perfect timing. They had several U of I scenes to choose from and she liked the same one I did - Alma Mater. E and B's diploma frames both have pictures of the quad.
L was all set to fly home for her December graduation but we found out her college didn't have a December ceremony. She could come home for the May ceremony but that's a long way off so I let her order a 2024 tassel in U of I colors. If she does come to walk in the May ceremony, she'll get a tassel with her robe rental but it will say 2025. She also had me mail her E's U of I graduation stole so she can take some graduation pictures at some point.
Allison picked these up for L when she was at Disneyland in California in early October. Apparently, L said, they don't have graduation pins at Disney World. Wonder why?

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