Sunday, September 29, 2024

Leaving camp and a Nazi talk

Not much happens at camp on Sunday. We have breakfast, a short church service, then pack up and leave.
Our detour on the way home was a stop at the Albanese candy factory in Merriville, Ind. Andy bought a big bag of gummy candy. Should last him a while.
Heading into the city with low clouds. Not a good day for sightseeing from the Sears (Willis) Tower.
Back at home we went to the museum for a author/former OPRF history teacher talking about his new book, "Our Nazi." The book is about an OPRF High School custodian who was discovered to have been a Nazi guard. Andy worked for the school's athletic department and is pretty sure he knew of the guy. Eventually, the man was deported back to Germany... with his full school pension and never went to prison. The museum was packed.
Andy bought the book but didn't have the author sign it. We had grocery shopping to do and the line was pretty long.

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