Saturday, February 15, 2020

Let's buy a car

One of the main reasons we went to Seattle was to help E purchase her first car. She knew what she wanted - a Hyundai Kona - so we just did a quick test drive and got down to negotiating.

The biggest hiccup in the process was trying to get E's insurance secured. She had already been talking with a local State Farm agent but the agent didn't have office hours on Saturday. Andy was busy leaving the agent messages and trying to get through to State Farm online to purchase insurance. Meanwhile, E was on her phone trying to get insurance through someone, anyone, else. The online sites though wouldn't take the VIN number, saying it didn't match any car. Ugh. Finally, Andy got through to the State Farm weekend people and was able to get E an insurance identification number. Oy. She also had to show a copy of her diploma and her hire letter from Microsoft. L sent us a picture of the diploma and E had the letter stored in her phone.

Then it was a visit with the finance guy to talk about payments, warranties (no thanks), etc.

E wanted the car in Thunder Gray so they had to get it from another location. They suggested we go to lunch while they get the car washed and filled with gas.

Back at the dealership, the salesman ran through all the features with E. Here she is, back near her apartment, with the new car!

We stopped at Bed Bath & Beyond where E picked out a set of pots and pans. She got 20 percent off with my coupon, a free steak knives set AND a $50 BBB gift card. Quite the deal. She also bought new plates at Crate & Barrel and we went ...

... to nearby Kirkland so she could look at knife sets at Sur La Table.

While she was busy cutting carrots, one of the store employees made me a fancy latte. I also watched a couples cooking class that was going on in the back of the store and saw lots of cute things I wanted to buy, like this Seattle spatula. I didn't buy the spatula but I did get a pair of herb scissors that should make cutting cilantro much easier.

There were so many restaurants in Kirkland to choose from. E wanted to take us to Cactus where her Microsoft team had her send-off dinner when her internship ended last summer. Here's E dancing in the rain. It rained on and off the whole time we were there. It was never a heavy rain but we did hear someone say it was "pouring." Hmmm.

Andy celebrates a jam-packed day with a frosty margarita.

I had the Brisket Burrita Leñera - smoked brisket, jack cheese, guacamole, pico de gallo, Spanish rice, cumin black beans, New Mexico green chile sauce, buttermilk crema. I asked for no guacamole and no beans and the waiter said that's what it was but I found guacamole in it. I was a little annoyed but then they brought out free flan since it was our first visit to the restaurant ...

... and it was so good. I thought Margarita's made a tasty flan but this was sooooo much better.

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