Sunday, August 4, 2013

She's home

E came home from her mission trip to Canada today. She worked with the elderly. She said she'd never do a mission trip again with the group that organized this one. Our youth minister is already looking into other groups that host/plan mission trips for possible future excursions.

Five best things about the trip:

1. A park the group visited in Canada.
2. Hampton Inn in Toledo, Ohio, where they were able to sleep in actual beds last night and take a nice, long shower in a shower that had a door.
3. Sleeping the first night of the trip on couches at a church in Michigan which hosted our group. (Apparently E has a problem sleeping on a camping pad and likes cushy beds much better.)
4. Lunch at Panera on the way to Michigan.
5. Tim Hortons, described by E as a Canadian Dunkin' Donuts.

Five worse things about the trip:

1. Nightly "club," the worship organized by the mission group. E said it didn't coincide very well with UCC teachings so that put the kids off a bit.
2. Crossing the border from Canada into the United States was a two-hour wait.
3. Tacos - the meat was "sketchy."
4. Too much air-conditioning as they were trying to sleep.
5. Traffic jams on the highways.

She did say Niagara Falls was pretty. The group went into the CN Tower when they got to Toronto but could only stay about 10 minutes. They showered at a nearby YMCA or health club and she said the showers would be on for a few seconds then you'd have to push a button to make them go on again. And none of them had hot water. She bought her Canada jacket in Chinatown in Toronto and won the pillow on a "guess my weight" game at Cedar Point Amusement Park.

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