Monday, January 13, 2025

B’s first visitors

Nice but drizzly drive to B's apartment Sunday. Andy left his tool kit there, B had a few requests for more things from home, and E wanted to see his apartment.
We got lucky and found a parking space right in front.
Siblings chatting in the kitchen. He said he's found the recycling bin but isn't yet sure where to take his trash.
Andy checking out the view from B's bedroom window. It's a courtyard. The view from his living room is better, the street where there's more to see.
He has his desk set up with two monitors in the living room. He also has a futon there that he'll use as a sofa. He's trying to decide where to put the TV as it needs to be near an outlet and the futon is currently hiding the outlet.
After we left his apartment we drove around the neighborhood, Lakeview East, a bit. It's very walkable. He's close to a health club, a Jewel, Whole Foods and Walgreens.
He realized that he had left his water bottle (a freebie from Housing at U of I) in the Uhaul on Saturday. We had to go back home so E could grab a jacket she forgot and swung by the Uhaul store and, yay, they had the water bottle. It's B's favorite.
From there, we did some shopping with E then drive her to O'Hare for her flight home. Driving to the airport I could have had a perfect picture with a huge United plane going over the road and an El train passing by but my phone was in my purse. I took this on the way home. We were directly under the landing oath of several planes.

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