Friday, May 17, 2024

RIP Schubert

Schubert posing for me, Sept. 16, 2020. His mom texted me yesterday letting me know he died of kidney disease that morning. He made us a stop on his daily walks sometime in 2019. In August, we were referring to him as the "random neighborhood cat" when he jumped into the car as E and B were packing to move into college that fall. He even attended B's U of I graduation party and was a tour guide when the new neighbors bought their house last year. In 2020, he kept us entertained during the pandemic and we looked forward to his visits. We put a bowtie on him and he kept it on for quite a while. I'm not sure when we learned his name or met his family. He was such a sweet, friendly cat and had the best curly fur.
He often kept us company as we sat in the back yard or had a fire. His mom said he was a "beloved neighborhood staple." Indeed.
This is one of my favorite pictures of him, sitting by our garage wondering if he should stay with us or make the walk down to the alley to his house. RIP Schubert, 2007-2024, 16 years old.
This is the obit his mom put on FB. With August sick, then getting the news of Schubert, I just couldn't go over to their house his celebrate Schubert with a cantaloupe skewer, but I did text his mom and explain our situation.

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