This afternoon B had his friend, I, over. They had a plan to sell lemonade. Once they got started in the kitchen, however, they decided it would be best to sell lemonade for 50 cents, make fresh-squeezed lime-aid and sell that for 75 cents and a combo of the two to sell for $1. They were doing a bang-up business. Here's one of the many happy customers:

For a cut of the action, E played her clarinet to attract a few more customers. That's the theory, any way. In all, they made $17.50. Not bad for a couple of hours in the sun. B and I were surprised when I brought the phone into the yard to have them chat with L, who was calling from his grandparents' home in South Carolina, on the speaker. It was the first they had heard from him since L's family moved to Ohio.
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