B went to the orthodontist this afternoon, thinking he was going to get his braces put on. Instead, the orthodontist decided he first needs an extender to widen the roof of his mouth. He first task was to take out the appliance B has had on the roof of his mouth for years. Then they fitted him with new bands for his molars and took another impression (this time B chose cotton candy flavor) to make a custom-fit extender. He goes back in July to have the extender put in and to have a chipped tooth pulled. The doc wanted to pull the chip today, but B said no. However, he promised to be ready next time.
After his mouth widens (in a month or so) he'll have some braces put on, then eventually more, etc. It's going to be quite a process for B.
On the ride home, B commented how weird it was to have a "naked" mouth with no appliance. He was surprised to feel the sensation on the roof of his mouth when he drank some apple juice. Here he is enjoying his first "naked" mouth meal - a hotdog.
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