This morning, L accompanied me to the Economy Shop to help clean out the women's casuals room where I volunteer. We took all the clothes off the hangers and placed them in big black garbage bags to be donated. While I was helping another volunteer clear out the room, L was going from room to room with a box. By the time we were ready to leave, she had collected a box full of "treasures" that otherwise would have been donated elsewhere. Among the funniest thing she found was this pair of tanning booth glasses.

Still buzzing from the morning's excitement, L decided to head over to her friends' E and B's house. Imagine my surprise when the doorbell rung a few minutes later and there was L, holding a leash with a big black dog on it. She found the dog roaming the neighborhood by her friends' house. They happened to have a leash lying around, so L borrowed it, approached the dog, leashed it and brought it home, apparently after walking it around the neighborhood a bit.
The girls brought over two sandwich bags full of dog food for it, which it ate immediately. We also gave it some water. We kept it in our back yard and called animal control to come pick it up. The woman on the phone asked me what kind of dog it was. "I don't know," I said. "I'm not a dog person. It's big and black, and pretty friendly." The dog had two collars, but no tags. She was an old dog and well behaved. When the girls sat down in the lawn chairs, the dog went and sat right next to them. L loves dogs and I told her she was lucky it was a friendly dog. She knows better than to approach strange dogs.
Before animal control came, a police officer stopped by. The dog started barking once she saw his uniform. "I guess she doesn't like police officers," I said. I can't recall his exact response, but it was something to the effect of "who does?" Animal control came and took away the dog soon after. L put a plastic lei (one she got that morning from the Economy Shop) on the dog to remember her and cried as the man put it in his van. What an afternoon.