Thursday, January 14, 2010

The yearbook

I never thought when I joined the SHS yearbook staff as a high school sophomore, I'd be designing yearbooks 20-some years later. I have to say, though, that experience has served me well. I've looked over a lot of elementary school yearbooks and ... let's just say I know what I'm doing.

The other day the yearbook company loaded up all the students' and teachers' portraits. That meant it was time to start placing all the portraits on the page and typing in all the names. Once I get that done, I'll send a PDF to each teacher to proofread her class page, let me know if someone goes by a nickname, etc. The book is due to the printer in mid-March, so unfortunately, we don't get to include all the fun activities that happen in spring - the school sleepover, Olympic day, fifth-grade send-off, etc. The books should arrive at the school in late May.

Here's the cover (showing the back at left and the front at right) that the fifth-graders selected for this year's book:

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